Membership is open to any faith organization that actively participates in our mission to serve hungry and homeless persons in Evanston, Illinois, and affirms that it wants to be a member. Contact us if you are interested in becoming a member.
Interfaith Action Member Organizations
Alice Millar Chapel, Northwestern University
Beth Emet the Free Synagogue
Bethany Baptist Church of Christ
Chicago Ethical Humanist Circle
Chicago Zen Center
Ebenezer AME Church
Emmanuel United Methodist Church
Ethical Humanist Society of Chicago
Evanston Bahá’í Community
Evanston Friends Meeting (Quakers)
First Congregational Church
First Presbyterian Church
First United Methodist Church
Fisher Memorial AME Zion Church
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
Grace Lutheran Church
Hemenway United Methodist Church
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation
Lake Street Church of Evanston
Lutheran Campus Ministry at Northwestern University
Northminster Presbyterian Church
Reba Place Church
Salvation Army
Second Baptist Church
Second Church of Christ, Scientist
Sheil Catholic Center
Sherman United Methodist Church
St. John Henry Newman Parish (St. Athanasius Church; St. Joan of Arc Church)
St. John's Lutheran Church
St. John XXIII Parish
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church
Trinity Lutheran Church
Unitarian Church of Evanston
Unity on the North Shore
Vineyard Christian Church of Evanston